IoT And Cloud Tools Build Your Business

Merge the physical and digital worlds into deployable, end-user ready IoT applications that deliver insights and solve business problems.

DyoCense Platform

All the solution offerings from DyoCense are built by leveraging our versatile IoT platform and its ecosystem. The DyoCense IoT platform offers you all the building blocks required to build your solution for the business problem. Its assured that, any use case that you bring, will be realized and be production ready in two weeks of time by using our platform.

DyoCense Digital platform image

Quick Bootstrapping
APIs and SDKs

Connect your hardware to DyoCense cloud easily with SDKs in all major languages, well defined API and tutorials. DyoCense is equipped with all the necessary tool kits to guide your integration over HTTP, MQTT, Web Socket, or custom/industrial protocols.

Highly configurable device schema, provides the flexibility in customizing your solutions to the granular level. Whether on boarding 1 or 1,000 devices, it takes the same amount of effort with DyoCense device types.

Various features like, device authentication, telemetry capturing, configuration exchange, command and control, remote diagnostics, OTA upgrades, etc. are available out of the box with the SDKs.

DyoCense platform architecture
DyoCense Cloud

3rd Party Software Integrations (in/out)
Data Plugins

Create your own API and parse data into a Node.js cloud GET or POST HTTP function extending your connect solution beyond the boundaries of DyoCense architecture and capabilities.

Parse data and ingest any 3rd party protocols or device clouds like Sigfox, Particle Cloud, mcCloud, NB-IoT, TTN, LoRaWan networks, and more.

Extend the monitoring and data analytics of your applications with API integrations like Weather Underground, IBM’s Watson, Google Locations, Zapier, and more.

Predictions and Optimizations
Analytics Engine & Machine Learning

Transform raw data into insights with Synthetic Variables that compute complex math formulas and statistical expressions.

AI Systems feature images
DyoCense portal in Macbook

Know the facts instantaneously
Live Dashboard

Using DyoCense point-and-click application development tools, create real-time dashboards to analyze data and control devices.

Visualize data with DyoCense stock graphs, charts, tables, indicators, maps, metrics, and control widgets or develop your own using the HTML canvas and your own code.

Share your data through public links, or by embedding dashboards or widgets into private web and mobile applications.

Get Engaged, Keep Improving
Scheduled Reports & Escalation Matrix

Deliver data clearly, concisely, and regularly with DyoCense Scheduled Reports. Send PDF or Excel reports and exports to those who need to know or schedule the report for delivery when the data sets are needed.

PDF and XLS files representation
Labelling image

Custom White-label Branding
Custom themes, logos, css & Deploy Anywhere

While the ability for non-intrusive data collection is critical, it is the seamless delivery of the information to the users, based on their personal preferences, that truly makes DyoCense a powerful decision support tool.

Mask DyoCense branding with your own organization’s brand and likeness. We built the network for you to build the business.

Create custom user login portals, URLs, dashboard colors, logos, favicons, other visual elements, and languages to make your applications truly yours.

Instant Alerts and Situation Awareness
Rule Engine

Add conditional and complex business logic to your hardware with triggered webhooks for M2M communication, and SMS, Email, Telegram, and Slack alerts to keep operators on-the-ball and informed.

DyoCense App mobile notification
DyoCense dashboard monitoring concept
Mail icon


Messaging icon


blue icon


Telegram logo


Slack logo


Trigger “kill switch” or “restart” commands when hardware has been inactive for too long.

For GPS sensors, assign geo-fence borders and trigger events when an asset traverses the designated area.

Control the Access
User & Role Management

With DyoCense cloud software, administrators self-build applications to best fit the operator’s needs.

Assign permissions and restrictions to any end-user or operator who interacts with dashboards, devices, and/or events.

Need help building your application? Contact DyoCense

DyoCense portal in mac
DyoCense IIoT App dashboard screen

On the GO
Mobile Apps Framework

DyoCense gives decision makers the exact information needed for critical decisions in real-time, regardless of where the users are. Whether in the office, on the production floor, at home, or on the road, DyoCense keeps the users informed and empowered to consistently make data-driven decisions for improving production.

Today, data at your fingertips is the norm and DyoCense agrees. Access your applications from any Android device and stay informed when on the go.

Apple Store icon
Google play-store Icon

Power your Business and Services with DyoCense IoT Platform

Join the vibrant community of System Integrators and OEMs building data-driven applications with DyoCense.